Thursday, July 9, 2009

"Thank-you, Elros," Séreméla thanked her elder brother, grateful to him.
He did not reply, instead ran towards the staircase, acknowledging for Séreméla to follow him down to the battle.
She gave the matter no thought and proceeded after him.
The battle was was immense, stretching from corner to corner of the elven king's court.
There was hundreds of dreaded orqu's screaming out battle cries in their ugly language.
Even worse than the orqu were the 'Ksher, meaning evil ones.
They were made of naive people that were dabbling in witchcraft.
Demon spirits took over their body, using it for evil purposes. Their eyes were an unnatural shade of pale blue, and they used only dark magic to protect themselves.
Also slaying Séreméla's people were large cave trolls, there was only three of them, but the damage they caused was tremendous.
Séreméla's fear was forgotten, slashing orqu's with her knife.
The black blood of the horrible creatures had a stench that would kill any weak mortal, smelling of rotten flesh and fear.
A black orqu went to slit her neck, but Séreméla stopped him with her weapon.
She pierced his dark deformed shoulder, and a huge sliver of his skin fell to the floor.
Then she saw him.
Her father, wrenching on the floor, as if fighting some invisible enemy.
His screams froze her blood, a sent a chill down her spine.
There was a 'Ksher standing over him, chanting, "gnja` comrde` dnsa!"
Her father started aging rapidly, which elves do not do.
If you are uneducated in the ways of elves, let me share something with you.
Elves are immortal, they can only die in battle or from a broken heart, they know no sickness.
Séreméla knew it was foolishness to stand in the way of a `ksher, but seeing her beloved father struggling on the floor made her heart defy her logic.
She ran over to him.
"Stop!" she cried, "I will kill you!"
"Such large words from such a small being.." He hissed.
There was only one way to kill a `ksher.
You must stab them directly in the heart, not an easy feat.
But Séreméla tried.
She threw her knife at him.
It soared though the air, but just before it could pierce the `ksher, he disappeared into thin air.
She looked towards her fathers body.
It was limp.
Séreméla ran over to it, and held her fathers cold, dead hand.
Her head flew around.
There was a cave troll running towards her, his giant axe in one hand.
She stood up, dropping her fathers hand.
~ ~ ~
Shorter than the other one...and not very original...*blush*

1 comment:

    Your stories are great!


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