Monday, June 1, 2009

Top 5 favorite places in Middle Earth...

I was tagged by Bekah! :]
Here we go....

#5: Gondor.

Gondor, Gondor, Gondor....I love Minas Tirith.
Oh! And on top of the White Tower, the little garden with the tree? I love that place!

#4: Fangorn Forest.

Well, it might sound kinda weird, but I LOVE Fangorn Forest.
Especially in the extended version, when Pippin's drinking the Ent looks so pretty!

#3: Lothlorien.

Lothlorien, with Lady Galadriel, and Haldir, and lots of other elves!
Again, veryy pretty :]

#2: The Shire.

I love The Shire cause hobbits live there!
Hobbits are [after elves!] my fave race in Middle Earth.
I love how they're really happy!

1#: Rivendell.

Just the serenity's amazing.
It makes me feel safe...
Also I love Elrond :] He's awesome!

Anyway I tag...
Hannah from Aspire [Bekah already tagged you so I double tag you!Haha!]
And Bekah and Earwen already did it so....anyone who wants to do it can take it!
I'm tagging you!

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