Sunday, May 31, 2009


Has anyone heard of Mac Gober?
He came to preach at my church last night, and I must say, he was wonderful!
He's from Alabama, and runs Canaan Land Ministries.
His story was truly amazing. Some of his life story is HERE.
He prophesied over one of the older teenagers there, it was awesome!
He was by far one of the best speakers I've ever heard preach.
He made me laugh, and cry, and want to jump for joy at the wonderful things God can to to someones life.

In other news, The blood clot in my eye is getting bigger.
he doctor said it will take one or two weeks for it to disappear completely.
I keep freaking people out!
I think I'll just hide away in my room til it's gone, like the Hunchback of Notre Dame!

Oh and a HUGE thanks to Bekah for following this blog!
And another thank-you to her and Elizabeth J for recommending reading.
I always thought I was a bookworm before I got banned from my DVD's, now I'm OBSESSED!
My handbag's starting to stretch from me stuffing my bible and whatever book I'm devouring at the moment in it.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


I have this huge blood clot in my eye.
It looks like my eye is bleeding, and it just keeps getting bigger.
So my mum is taking me to the doctors this afternoon.
The sermon this morning was really good.

I wanted to show you this.
It's a set I made on polyvore, with my favourite bible verse, or one of them , at least!

Friday, May 29, 2009


If you see a change in me don't wonder
There's someone in my life, a peace I can't describe
For I've been reborn
If you see a change in me don't wonder
I found a whole new life
A hope that I can't hide
For I've been reborn

Have you ever felt
A longing, a searching within your soul for something more
But you don't know what for
There's One who will reach across the distance
From the heavens to the earth
Because He loves you
He loves you

If you see a change in me don't wonder
There's someone in my life, a peace I can't describe
For I've been reborn
If you see a change in me don't wonder
I found a whole new life
A hope that I can't hide
For I've been reborn

If you see a change in me (X4)

Have you ever felt
That something's missing within your soul
You want something more
But you don't know what for
There is only One you need
But you've got to believe that he loves you
Enough to give His life

If you see a change in me don't wonder
There's someone in my life, a peace I can't describe
For I've been reborn
If you see a change in me don't wonder
I found a whole new life
A hope that I can't hide
For I've been reborn

Love this song :]


I went to my friend Mel's Youth Group last night.
It was really good!
I don't go to my Youth because it's all separated in cliques, and some of the girls aren't that nice.
I know you go to Youth Group to worship God, but it's funner when you have good friends there, you know?
Anyway, I went to Mel's Youth, and it was awesome!
I felt like I had been going there for years, and I made heaps of friends.
I'll probably go back.
We had pool noodle fights, and Mel didn't know what a lightsaber was!

At the moment I'm reading a book called The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom.
Has anyone read it?
I love it!
So if you can't tell, I'm really happy at the moment!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


My title says it all....*sigh*
My mother has banned me from all my beloved DVDs.
I shall die without them!
For two weeks.
I doubt I shall live til Sunday.
I fake cried at my parents, but they've seen my tricks many times.
Oh! Good news!
I made a new award!
A lot of people will love it, I'm sure.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This is the letter I wrote to my mum and dad :}

My Dearest Mother and Father,

As you might have conjectured, this letter, or rather, rant, has something to do with this newfangled, abnormal, bizarre, eccentric, grotesque, irregular, odd, peculiar, queer AND unusual ‘blanket policy.’

If your brain is not bewildered by my first paragraph, please lend me your attention for a few moments.

Laura and my lovely self have been having sleepovers on school nights for TWO YEARS. Yet all of a sudden this appalling, awful, dire, dreadful, gruesome, non, non heinous ‘blanket policy’ comes into use.
I must say, I ABHOR it.

Sleepovers on school nights are one of the many joys of homeschooling. It is a bliss, a delight, and fills me with rapture and ecstasy (the emotion, not the drug :]). Even though I am at another house, I still try to do copious amounts of schoolwork, and am familiar with succeeding.

I am truly sorry if it sounds like I am remonstrating, for you, as my parents, have the terminal word. Before I sign this letter I have one more thing to write. I despise, detest, loathe and just plain HATE ‘blanket policies!’

PS. Yes, I did use the thesaurus.

First Award!

Ooh...My first award!
I'm quite excited...
All Jane Austen fans feel free to take it!
I am awarding you!

40 random things about me

I've seen this on alot of blogs, and I have a bit of free time we go....

1. I love ancient Egypt!
2. The mummy is one of my favourite movies..
3. my fave font is Calibri
4. I love X-Men, even though it's based on evolution.
5. I don't believe in evolution.
6. My favourite pizza topping is pepperoni
7. I suck at climbing trees
8. I hate the song Lovegame by Lady GaGa
9. I read the whole Lord of the Rings book [including introduction, and all the stuff at the back] twice in 1 and a half months.
10. My fave coffee is a flat white with a shot of hazelnut.
11. I have 5 younger siblings.
12. 2 little sisters, and 3 little brothers.
13. When my whole family goes down elevators, we sing songs from the Brady bunch.
14. I love dancing like nobody's watching
15. My computer is messed up.
16. I don't have photoshop, but I want it.
17. I really want a blog button, so if you know how to make them...please share...
18. I love The Lord of the Rings.
19. I'm a geek.
20. I adore Star Wars!
21. This is taking longer than expected.
22. I want to be an actress or author when I grow up.
23. I go to drama lessons every Thursday
24. I wish people would comment on my blog
25. My mum is the best mum in the whole world.
26. She is standing behind me.
27. I wish I lived in the 60's or 80's.
28. My favourite website is polyvore
29. I hate pimples!
30. The people who make me laugh the hardest is my 2 yr old brother, Jonah, and my dad.
31. MY fave song at the moment is either Reborn by Rebecca St James, or Alter Ego by the Clique Girls
32. I homeschool.
33. I'm writing a book set in Ancient Rome
34. I'm almost done!
35. I've never broken a bone
36. I pride myself on my large vocabulary
37. my fave song from the Lord of the Rings is the music after Gandalf says, "To the bridge of Kazad-dum." I have no idea what it's called though
38. I hate it when I spell words wrong.
39. I don't 'text talk.' Like OMG, LOL, etc.
40. I always pick olives off pizza

There you. go.
Hope it wasn't too boring :]

My signature! :]

I love Thursdays!

I have to do an art assignment today.
I chose to do it on John Howe, because I love The Lord of the Rings.
Then I have to write a couple of paragraphs on his life, and then the awesome bit is I get to try to do a sketch like his!
Then my sewing teacher is coming, and we're finishing of the dress she taught me how to make.
Then, Sam, who I haven't seen for ages is coming over with Laura.
And finally, I'm going to drama at 6:00.
Like I said, I love Thursdays!
Now I had something to tell you...but I forgot.
Anyway, do you like the make-over?
I do.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

So cute!

My mum was yelling at my mischievous 5 yr old brother, Jed, and when she stopped she noticed my 2 yr old brother, Jonah, was hiding under the computer desk.
So she's like, "What are you doing under there?"
And he says [really cutely] "I'm dared..[scared in his language].
So Mum goes, "What are you scared of Jonah?"
Then he says, "I'm dared of you mummy.."
It was so cute! Then she hugged him, and they both laughed.
It was one of those 'Little House on the Prairie' moments.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Chk Chk, BOOM!

Chk Chk BOOM
Watch it.
So if you people living in a box haven't heard, This Sydney girl, Clare, wanted her 15 minutes of fame.
So she told the police that she was a witness in a shooting....
But she wasn't.
So she pretty much got famous for her little fib.
I personlly think it's HILARIOUS, because she's not convincing at all!
But there's something else funny...
I was on an AMERICAN t-shirt site when I found a t-shirt that said Chk Chk BOOM!
People on the other side of the world know that some 20-something girl from Australia is a liar.
Ha ha.
I am amused.

Friday, May 22, 2009

My crap story :]
^^ My 'practice' story.
The first couple of chapters are really badly written.
So yeah.
Got nothing exciting to report.
It's Sunday tomorrow!
I love Sundays <3

Sunday, May 17, 2009


I officially have NO life.
Stop laughing.
My social life is failing.
I don't even have the courage to talk to this guy I like!
But I got close today..
Real close.
Anyway, I found this ah-mazing blog by this christian teenager (Like me!) She also likes LOTR (Like Me!) and the inheritance trilogy! (Like Me!).
Yeah, if you wanna read it, I'm following it at the moment :]
So it's 10:30 at night, and I only JUST realised I'm tired, so yeah......I'm signing off now :]
Be excellent to each other...AND......Party on dudes!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

Emma thinks it's time to welcome her guests...

Hello Possums!
My name is Emma, but I go by Estahh on the internet.
Here's some info 'bout moi:
1. I really wanna be 'scene'. Of course, by saying that, it immediately makes me UNscene.
2. I love homeschooling with my BIG fam, though it's really hurting my social life xD
3. I HATE it when people don't comment. [hint, hint]
4. I'm an Aussie, But I really wish I could go to London one day
5. That's pretty much all I have time for right now. x]

Please follow and comment!

And remember,
Superman would always beat Batman in a fight....