Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I love Thursdays!

I have to do an art assignment today.
I chose to do it on John Howe, because I love The Lord of the Rings.
Then I have to write a couple of paragraphs on his life, and then the awesome bit is I get to try to do a sketch like his!
Then my sewing teacher is coming, and we're finishing of the dress she taught me how to make.
Then, Sam, who I haven't seen for ages is coming over with Laura.
And finally, I'm going to drama at 6:00.
Like I said, I love Thursdays!
Now I had something to tell you...but I forgot.
Anyway, do you like the make-over?
I do.

1 comment:

  1. JOHN HOWE IS SO AWESOME! I'm getting one of his books (Fantasy Art Workshop) for my birthday on Wednesday! :D



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