Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This is the letter I wrote to my mum and dad :}

My Dearest Mother and Father,

As you might have conjectured, this letter, or rather, rant, has something to do with this newfangled, abnormal, bizarre, eccentric, grotesque, irregular, odd, peculiar, queer AND unusual ‘blanket policy.’

If your brain is not bewildered by my first paragraph, please lend me your attention for a few moments.

Laura and my lovely self have been having sleepovers on school nights for TWO YEARS. Yet all of a sudden this appalling, awful, dire, dreadful, gruesome, non, non heinous ‘blanket policy’ comes into use.
I must say, I ABHOR it.

Sleepovers on school nights are one of the many joys of homeschooling. It is a bliss, a delight, and fills me with rapture and ecstasy (the emotion, not the drug :]). Even though I am at another house, I still try to do copious amounts of schoolwork, and am familiar with succeeding.

I am truly sorry if it sounds like I am remonstrating, for you, as my parents, have the terminal word. Before I sign this letter I have one more thing to write. I despise, detest, loathe and just plain HATE ‘blanket policies!’

PS. Yes, I did use the thesaurus.

1 comment:

I love comments guys!
I know lots of people are too busy to leave a message, but if you can, it would be much appreciated!