Sunday, May 31, 2009


Has anyone heard of Mac Gober?
He came to preach at my church last night, and I must say, he was wonderful!
He's from Alabama, and runs Canaan Land Ministries.
His story was truly amazing. Some of his life story is HERE.
He prophesied over one of the older teenagers there, it was awesome!
He was by far one of the best speakers I've ever heard preach.
He made me laugh, and cry, and want to jump for joy at the wonderful things God can to to someones life.

In other news, The blood clot in my eye is getting bigger.
he doctor said it will take one or two weeks for it to disappear completely.
I keep freaking people out!
I think I'll just hide away in my room til it's gone, like the Hunchback of Notre Dame!

Oh and a HUGE thanks to Bekah for following this blog!
And another thank-you to her and Elizabeth J for recommending reading.
I always thought I was a bookworm before I got banned from my DVD's, now I'm OBSESSED!
My handbag's starting to stretch from me stuffing my bible and whatever book I'm devouring at the moment in it.


  1. Emma, I'd love to make you a blog button, but I'd have to email you the coding. Would that be okay?


  2. Just have to say, I really like the change over your blog. Has a much stronger Christian feel.


  3. Ouch, I just read about your blod clot...Ouch.


  4. LOL! I've been trying to stuff several books (Gone with the Wind, InkSpell, Gossamer) into my purse. :D


  5. Emma, could you maybe try not to say 'crap' and stuff? I realize that your blog has a more Godly feel than it did before, but...

    Thank you for following my blog.


  6. Saying 'crap' does NOT bother me; a lot of people I know say it. As long as there isn't any swearing or inappropriate messages on a blog, then I'm okay with 'crap'. Emma doesn't say it a lot!

    Your blog is really cool, Emma.


  7. I'd rather have a blood clot than a huchback :)

  8. I unblocked you because I agree with hannah - your blog is much more Christian now!
    Good going!

  9. I agree with Hannah too on the use of 'crap' - it just sounds unfitting for a Christian, although it is not neccessarily a 'bad' word.

  10. Alrighty :] I can do that.
    I don't actually use 'crap' that often, so it won't be that hard to stop.
    Oh, and Hannah, my email address is:


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I know lots of people are too busy to leave a message, but if you can, it would be much appreciated!