Saturday, July 11, 2009

She didn't know what to do.
She was no elvish warrior, what could she do about the colossal troll charging towards her?
"Elros!" She called, but the battle going on around them was deafening.
Séreméla ran under the cave troll's legs, and looked up at it's back.
There was Valandil of Dorithen, elvish hero, son of the elven king and the keeper of Séreméla's heart.
He was climbing up the monsters back, using arrows to haul himself up.
The troll was oblivious to the elven prince on his back and was looking around for Séreméla.
You see, cave trolls are quite blind.
Their eyes are used to the darkness of the caves, so when they come out into daylight, they can not see properly and everything is blurry.
The troll spun around.
His eyes settled on Séreméla.
He could see her.
He raised his axe up in the air.....
But before he could bring it upon Séreméla, he fell to the ground, hundreds of arrows in his back.
Valandil was nowhere to be seen.
The battle was still raging, though there was less people fighting it.
Séreméla recognized faces, lying on the floor dead.
Her people were losing.
Where was he?
On the floor.
With an axe in his torso.
Séreméla ran over to her brother.
"Séreméla," He writhed on the floor in pain. "You need to leave this place."
"I won't leave you. You're all I have left."
"I'm going to die....what does it matter if you see me do it or not?"
"I will remain by your side until the end."
Elros smiled, something he rarely did.
"Once I have been sent to the sacred havens, you must get out through the secret tunnel, and kill the Wethrinaer...she is causing this."
He gasped for breath and wrenched in pain.
A single tear fell down his face.
Then he went limp.
~ ~ ~
mmm....not my best chapter..

Thursday, July 9, 2009

"Thank-you, Elros," Séreméla thanked her elder brother, grateful to him.
He did not reply, instead ran towards the staircase, acknowledging for Séreméla to follow him down to the battle.
She gave the matter no thought and proceeded after him.
The battle was was immense, stretching from corner to corner of the elven king's court.
There was hundreds of dreaded orqu's screaming out battle cries in their ugly language.
Even worse than the orqu were the 'Ksher, meaning evil ones.
They were made of naive people that were dabbling in witchcraft.
Demon spirits took over their body, using it for evil purposes. Their eyes were an unnatural shade of pale blue, and they used only dark magic to protect themselves.
Also slaying Séreméla's people were large cave trolls, there was only three of them, but the damage they caused was tremendous.
Séreméla's fear was forgotten, slashing orqu's with her knife.
The black blood of the horrible creatures had a stench that would kill any weak mortal, smelling of rotten flesh and fear.
A black orqu went to slit her neck, but Séreméla stopped him with her weapon.
She pierced his dark deformed shoulder, and a huge sliver of his skin fell to the floor.
Then she saw him.
Her father, wrenching on the floor, as if fighting some invisible enemy.
His screams froze her blood, a sent a chill down her spine.
There was a 'Ksher standing over him, chanting, "gnja` comrde` dnsa!"
Her father started aging rapidly, which elves do not do.
If you are uneducated in the ways of elves, let me share something with you.
Elves are immortal, they can only die in battle or from a broken heart, they know no sickness.
Séreméla knew it was foolishness to stand in the way of a `ksher, but seeing her beloved father struggling on the floor made her heart defy her logic.
She ran over to him.
"Stop!" she cried, "I will kill you!"
"Such large words from such a small being.." He hissed.
There was only one way to kill a `ksher.
You must stab them directly in the heart, not an easy feat.
But Séreméla tried.
She threw her knife at him.
It soared though the air, but just before it could pierce the `ksher, he disappeared into thin air.
She looked towards her fathers body.
It was limp.
Séreméla ran over to it, and held her fathers cold, dead hand.
Her head flew around.
There was a cave troll running towards her, his giant axe in one hand.
She stood up, dropping her fathers hand.
~ ~ ~
Shorter than the other one...and not very original...*blush*

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


The clash of swords rang in her ears.
The screams of horror.
She felt pain as realization struck her.
She was afraid.
Afraid to go down the marble steps she had gone down so many times before.
Afraid to fight beside her father, brother and the man she loved.
She was a coward.
Not now!
She could not let her enemies slaughter the people she cared about.
She stood, shaking from fear, despite her recent courageous thoughts.
She closed her eyes and whisper a brisk prayer to the ancestors that protect her ancient race.
Gripping the knife her mother had given her, she ran down the hall.
Feeling a sense of fright washing over her, she considered turning back, but it was too late.
They had seen her.
The orqu.
Her people called them that.
It meant 'Foul One's' in their native language.
They're skin was mutated and looked as if they had bathed to long, though they smelled as if they had not bathed for centuries.
There was five of them, climbing up the stairwell.
The elvish girl gasped.
The largest of the five started to charge toward her.
She ran, but before long came to a dead end.
How did that happen?
She knew this residence inside out.
At least, she thought so.
The orqu growled as it came closer.
The elf gripped her knife tighter and held it out in front of her.
She could do this.
Her father had taught her to fight when she was young, as his father had taught him.
The orqu came closer....
The elf braced herself.
The orqu attacked.
Elvish knife against rough orqu sword.
An ugly piece of craftsmanship, one side was smooth, the other side, jagged and coarse.
The elf nimbly ducked as the orqu sword swerved for her head.
She came up from the floor and aimed for the orqu's face, slightly scratching just beside his eye.
He didn't flinch, and black blood trickled down his ugly face.
The elvish girl was transfixed on the oozing black liquid.
She could not tear her eyes away from it.
That was all the orqu needed to slash her wrist with his hideous weapon.
The elf cried out in pain, her deep red blood spilling out, warm and sticky.
She fell to the floor.
The orqu chuckled wickedly, and swooped his sword down to kill the elf.
End her life.
She would join her mother in the sacred havens.
Still laughing the orqu started to plunge his sword into her, but was stopped.
His eyes opened wide and his cackling stopped.
He groaned.
And collapsed, his weapon dropping on the floor with a clatter.
There stood a tall elvish man, the female elf's brother, standing over the orqu's dead body and holding his elegant sword, dripping with the dark orqu blood.
"Come Séreméla." He said gravely.
Do you like it? It needs more descriptive words, but I haven't edited it yet.

Friday, June 26, 2009

So sad.

Michael Jackson died!
I'm still recovering from shock.

Sunday, June 21, 2009


Okay, so I downloaded Gimp, because apparently, it's better than Photoshop.
The problem is I have NO idea how to do anything.
Like I can open the picture, and use a couple of the tools, but other than that, I'm clueless.
What the heck is a layer?
Hannah or Bekah an you PLEASE help me?
Or anyone else?
I'm kinda desperate.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nothing else matters.

I was tagged by Bekah
All you do is put your ipod, MP3 player, or computer playlist on shuffle and write down the are mine.




WHAT IS YOUR LIFE'S PURPOSE? Never Die [I wanna go to heaven though!]


WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU? Thinking of you [that one's okay..]

WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT VERY OFTEN? Clear [that makes NO sense..]

WHAT IS 2+2? Rock star [I got a D in Maths]

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND? I love my dog. [no comment]

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF A PERSON YOU LIKE? All for love [pretty much]

WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY? Just Dance [I suck at dancing]

WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP? Wild Woeld [I actually want to be an author]



WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING? Reborn [not really a 'dancing' song]

WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL? Nine in the afternoon [good luck with that]

WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTERESTS? Come together [right.]

WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST SECRET? Watch this space [translation: why would I tell you?]

WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS? Sad but true [hahahaah!]

WHAT'S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN? Pippin's song [I love this song!]

HOW WILL YOU DIE? In harms way [that's VERY specific]



WHAT MAKES YOU CRY? Faceless man [only sometimes!]

WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED? Don't dream it's over


DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU? Stay away [oh, that's very encouraging]

IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE? Girl can rock [I like the fact that girls can rock]

WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW? Another Saturday Night [cough]

WHAT DO YOU MOST OFTEN EXCLAIM? You're in my world now! [It's from Happy Gilmore]

WHERE IS PARADISE? Please don't leave me [okay..]

WHAT DID YOU FIRST SAY AS A BABY? Hard Headed woman [hopefully not to my mum]

IF YOU HAD A PET, WHAT WOULD YOU NAME IT? What the world will never take

WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SIGHT TO SEE? Blue Sashes [That one actually made sense!]

WHAT MAKES YOU GAG? Love Story [I like that song..]

WHAT ARE YOU BEST AT? Holding On [right...]

IF YOU WROTE A BOOK, WHAT WOULD YOU CALL IT? You belong with me [not to bad..I can imagine the story line already!]
WHAT DID YOU WISH FOR LAST? One of the Boys [Hm...]

WHAT WOULD YOUR SUPERHERO NAME BE? What you're on [what the?!]

HOW SOON WILL THIS BE OVER? Wherever I may roam

WHERE ARE YOU SITTING? Our house [That's right!]

WHAT DO YOU MOST HATE? Good and broken [broken thinks are always bad..*Nods sadly*]

WHAT DO YOU MOST LOVE? I love my dog [I don't have one :D]

WHAT IS YOUR SECRET NAME? Wild World [um...okay..]

WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS? Nothing else matters. [haha]
I tag all of my followers! Which is like, 7 people.

PS. My bloodshot eye's gone! Thanks for your prayers!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

*sigh of relief*

I'm so glad this day is over!
You know how when you have this whole, amazing plan for what you're gonna do that day, and it just fall's to pieces?
That's what happened today.
I was going to get up, help Mum tidy the house a bit, do all my school, read, and then write on here.
Well I got up late, tidied the kitchen by myself, did MOST of my school, didn't read, and now I'm on the computer.
Do you think the Devil's out to ruin my day, or am I just lazy?

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Sorry I haven't posted in so long...*sheepish grin*
Here are the photo's of Gunalda I promised you!

This is [left to right] Izzy [Laura's lil sis], Olivia and Laura.

This is Katie [another one of Lura's little sisters] and Milly [Olivia's little sister]

The loungeroom....

And now for some scenic shots.

Monday, June 8, 2009


I 'spose I better tell you 'bout my trip to Gunalda...
So Laura came over to my place to help me pack...[yes, she does come over pretty much EVERY day..]
Yeah, so when I was finished packing Mum drove us to the corner store to get 'sustenance' in other words..LOLLIES!
By the time we were done, we were running a bit late.
We like, ran into Laura's house, so fast, and I was already starting to apologize, when Sharon [Laura's Mum] said, "It's alright Steve's not ready yet."
So I looked over at Steve [Laura's step-dad] and HE HAD HIS BUTT ON THE COMPUTER SEAT!
He had been home for 2 hours, and he had just been playing around on the computer.
So Laura and I helped Sharon while Steve started packing, and we laft an hour and a half later.

This is Laura in the car ^ she was all hyped up on sugar
We stopped at Macca's for dinner....I did have a photo, but I deleted it cause both mine and Laura's eyes were shut...
We arrived at our destination at 7:30 pm.
My darling blog readers, I have to post more pictures later because my computer is being super stupid...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I have lots of thoughts running through my mind...
How can people judge you when they don't know you?
And why would they want to?
I mean, I can be crazy, but that doesn't make me ungodly, does it?

Little set on I made.
I woke up in the middle of the night last night, feeling sick.
Still do.
Please pray for me, [and my eye, still not better..]
I'm going away with Laura tomorrow, so I hope I feel better.

I can't see any of Hannah's posts in my dashboard, so I thought she blocked me, but I'm still on her followers list, and she's still following my blog...Hmm...
Hannah, if you're reading this..."What's wrong?"
Oh, and Happy Birthday, of course!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Laura and My lovely self...

Exciting news.
Laura [My best friend] and her family are staying at a house 2 hrs away with some other families from our church.
And she invited me to come!
I'm going on Friday...yay!
The place we're going to is called Gunalda.
Anyway, Laura came over today, and we took photo's which we titled "Going to Gunalda photo's".
And we also made up a dance, containing alot of 70's disco moves, called the Gunalda dance.
Here's some piccies....

Yeah, we were going crazayy..
I won't blog from yeah.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Top 5 favorite places in Middle Earth...

I was tagged by Bekah! :]
Here we go....

#5: Gondor.

Gondor, Gondor, Gondor....I love Minas Tirith.
Oh! And on top of the White Tower, the little garden with the tree? I love that place!

#4: Fangorn Forest.

Well, it might sound kinda weird, but I LOVE Fangorn Forest.
Especially in the extended version, when Pippin's drinking the Ent looks so pretty!

#3: Lothlorien.

Lothlorien, with Lady Galadriel, and Haldir, and lots of other elves!
Again, veryy pretty :]

#2: The Shire.

I love The Shire cause hobbits live there!
Hobbits are [after elves!] my fave race in Middle Earth.
I love how they're really happy!

1#: Rivendell.

Just the serenity's amazing.
It makes me feel safe...
Also I love Elrond :] He's awesome!

Anyway I tag...
Hannah from Aspire [Bekah already tagged you so I double tag you!Haha!]
And Bekah and Earwen already did it so....anyone who wants to do it can take it!
I'm tagging you!

Arwen and Elrond

A set dedicated to Arwen and Elrond....

Blood Clot

So I was telling you about the blood clot in my eye....
Thankfully the pain has completely gone {Thank-you Jesus!], so now it just LOOKS painful.
It's not.
Here's some pictures...

A close up shot

Yeah, they're defiantly NOT the best pictures of me...but whatever.
I'm praying that it will fade away soon.

Sunday, May 31, 2009


Has anyone heard of Mac Gober?
He came to preach at my church last night, and I must say, he was wonderful!
He's from Alabama, and runs Canaan Land Ministries.
His story was truly amazing. Some of his life story is HERE.
He prophesied over one of the older teenagers there, it was awesome!
He was by far one of the best speakers I've ever heard preach.
He made me laugh, and cry, and want to jump for joy at the wonderful things God can to to someones life.

In other news, The blood clot in my eye is getting bigger.
he doctor said it will take one or two weeks for it to disappear completely.
I keep freaking people out!
I think I'll just hide away in my room til it's gone, like the Hunchback of Notre Dame!

Oh and a HUGE thanks to Bekah for following this blog!
And another thank-you to her and Elizabeth J for recommending reading.
I always thought I was a bookworm before I got banned from my DVD's, now I'm OBSESSED!
My handbag's starting to stretch from me stuffing my bible and whatever book I'm devouring at the moment in it.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


I have this huge blood clot in my eye.
It looks like my eye is bleeding, and it just keeps getting bigger.
So my mum is taking me to the doctors this afternoon.
The sermon this morning was really good.

I wanted to show you this.
It's a set I made on polyvore, with my favourite bible verse, or one of them , at least!

Friday, May 29, 2009


If you see a change in me don't wonder
There's someone in my life, a peace I can't describe
For I've been reborn
If you see a change in me don't wonder
I found a whole new life
A hope that I can't hide
For I've been reborn

Have you ever felt
A longing, a searching within your soul for something more
But you don't know what for
There's One who will reach across the distance
From the heavens to the earth
Because He loves you
He loves you

If you see a change in me don't wonder
There's someone in my life, a peace I can't describe
For I've been reborn
If you see a change in me don't wonder
I found a whole new life
A hope that I can't hide
For I've been reborn

If you see a change in me (X4)

Have you ever felt
That something's missing within your soul
You want something more
But you don't know what for
There is only One you need
But you've got to believe that he loves you
Enough to give His life

If you see a change in me don't wonder
There's someone in my life, a peace I can't describe
For I've been reborn
If you see a change in me don't wonder
I found a whole new life
A hope that I can't hide
For I've been reborn

Love this song :]


I went to my friend Mel's Youth Group last night.
It was really good!
I don't go to my Youth because it's all separated in cliques, and some of the girls aren't that nice.
I know you go to Youth Group to worship God, but it's funner when you have good friends there, you know?
Anyway, I went to Mel's Youth, and it was awesome!
I felt like I had been going there for years, and I made heaps of friends.
I'll probably go back.
We had pool noodle fights, and Mel didn't know what a lightsaber was!

At the moment I'm reading a book called The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom.
Has anyone read it?
I love it!
So if you can't tell, I'm really happy at the moment!

Thursday, May 28, 2009


My title says it all....*sigh*
My mother has banned me from all my beloved DVDs.
I shall die without them!
For two weeks.
I doubt I shall live til Sunday.
I fake cried at my parents, but they've seen my tricks many times.
Oh! Good news!
I made a new award!
A lot of people will love it, I'm sure.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


This is the letter I wrote to my mum and dad :}

My Dearest Mother and Father,

As you might have conjectured, this letter, or rather, rant, has something to do with this newfangled, abnormal, bizarre, eccentric, grotesque, irregular, odd, peculiar, queer AND unusual ‘blanket policy.’

If your brain is not bewildered by my first paragraph, please lend me your attention for a few moments.

Laura and my lovely self have been having sleepovers on school nights for TWO YEARS. Yet all of a sudden this appalling, awful, dire, dreadful, gruesome, non, non heinous ‘blanket policy’ comes into use.
I must say, I ABHOR it.

Sleepovers on school nights are one of the many joys of homeschooling. It is a bliss, a delight, and fills me with rapture and ecstasy (the emotion, not the drug :]). Even though I am at another house, I still try to do copious amounts of schoolwork, and am familiar with succeeding.

I am truly sorry if it sounds like I am remonstrating, for you, as my parents, have the terminal word. Before I sign this letter I have one more thing to write. I despise, detest, loathe and just plain HATE ‘blanket policies!’

PS. Yes, I did use the thesaurus.

First Award!

Ooh...My first award!
I'm quite excited...
All Jane Austen fans feel free to take it!
I am awarding you!